
Modul 8 Eingänge vom Thermoelement / RS485
The Z-8TC is an interface for Thermocouple sensors (J, K, E, N, S, R ,B ,T) and ..Z-8TC-LAB

CH-8 thermocouple input module / RS485 with two-way pull-out terminals
The Z-8TC-LAB is a digital thermocouple converter, with eight measurement channe..Z-8TC-SI

CH-8 thermocouple input module / RS485 with 24bit resolution
The Z-8TC-SI is a digital converter for thermocouple types J, K, E, N, S, R, B, ..Z-8TC-SI-LAB

CH-8 thermocouple input module / RS485, 24bit resolution, with two-way pull-out terminals
The Z-8TC-SI-LAB is a digital converter for thermocouple types J, K, R, S, T. B,..Z-4RTD2-SI

High-precision 4-CH RTD input module / RS485 with 24bit resolution
The Z-4RTD2-SI is a 24-bit resolution converter for platinum or nickel resistanc..Z-4RTD2

Modul 4 Eingänge vom Widerstandsthermometer / RS485
Z-4RTD2 is a converter for platinum or nickel RTD sensors (PT100, PT1000, PT500,..R-SG3

ModBUS Strain gauge input module with advanced features
R-SG3 is a compact converter for strain gauge load cells. Measurement, made usin..Z-SG

Modul Konverter strain gauge
Z-SG is a strain gauge signal converter. Measurements taken using the 6-wires or..Z-SG3

Modul Konverter strain gauge
Z-SG3 is a load cell converter (strain gauge). The measurement carried out with ..ZE-SG3

Strain gauge input module with advanced features and Ethernet port
The ZE-SG3 is a load cell (strain gauge) converter complete with a 100 Mbit Ethe..Z-8NTC

8-input module from NTC/PTC thermistors with ModBUS communication
The Z-8NTC is a digital converter with eight measurement channels for resistors,..ZE-2AI

Modul 2 analoge Eingänge, ModBUS RTU / ModBUS TCP-IP
ZE-2AI is an I/O module with 2 analog inputs for slave communication over Modbus..Z-DAQ-PID

Universelles Modul I/O mit PID-Einstellung
Z-DAQ-PID has a universal analog input (mA, V, PT100, TC, Ohm) and an active out..Z-4AI

Modul 4 Eingänge Spannung - Strom / RS485
Z-4AI is used to interface analog inputs (Voltage or current, also with bipolar ..Z-8AI

Modul 8 Eingänge Spannung - Strom / RS485
The Z-8AI is used to interface analog inputs (Voltage or current, also with bipo..Z-3AO

Modul 3 analoge Ausgänge / RS485
Z-3AO is used to get N.3 analogue outputs (mA or V) from a ModBUS system. The st..Z-4TC