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Case Histories
Remote control system and infrastructure management of SENECA

Road underpass 'Salmasi' in the municipality of Musile di Piave
To optimize road conditions and safety in the underpasses of the railway and road network, as well as to speed up intervention and maintenance times, the Metropolitan City of Venice uses SENECA's remote control and infrastructure management technology.
Automatic monitoring system for viaducts

Structural monitoring system of an important viaduct in Basilicata
Monitoring is a fundamental tool for prevention and safety both during construction and during the operation of bridges and viaducts. Centro Iside, a Campania system integrator specialized in supervision and remote control systems, has used SENECA technology to control an important viaduct in Basilicata as part of a national project of instrumental monitoring of bridges and viaducts.
Remote control for wastewater treatment and rainwater lifting

In the region of Lazio (Italy), Rome area, Via Salaria
A remote control system on a IIoT platform shelters the main Mercedes dealership in Rome from the floods of the Tiber. It is the one realized by Cogeco with Italian technologies SENECA (data acquisition and local control) and Rilheva (supervision and alarm management).