Z-NET4 1.39 Release Notes New features - prerequisites .net framework 4.52 - Insert new CPU images - Changing the operation of icons for launching DR and OPC Server programs - Added functionality "Send signal to Seneca" in Z-NET4, DR, TV - Added control functionality for software updates - Introduction of "InOut" variables for Straton - Possibility to insert Hostnames with names instead of numeric IPs in the Connection Parameters - Block the compilation of the project Z-NET4 + Straton if the project Straton is open and with changes not yet saved - FW CPU version display - Write multiple holding register with only 1 register - In the user modules it is possible to map variables such as LINT, LREAL and LWORD - Delete "None" value of "Service Disable" parameter - Register the Z-NET icon on Windows so that the Z-NET icon appears in the .tws files - New nomenclature "Register type" of variables User module - Added Parameters for DDNS dynamic dns configuration - Added Parameters for Mobile Operator Selection - Possibility to modify the user modules of the library - Implement automatic backup of the Straton project before recompilation - Remote control] Add the unit of measurement of the variable to the header of the CSV log files. - Report error if variables added to Straton's Shared Memory exceed the maximum size of the Shared Memory - Remote control] Customize log date-time format - Added S7 protocol management for variable writes - Remote control] Sending commands/sMS states without enable code - Remote control] SMS commands > "Variable selection": use INT/UINT/DINT variables and use bit notation. - Z-TWS5] Change of the string "Set TCPIP Settings: the system must be in Config mode" for the IP change of TWS5 Fault Correction - Fix "Advanced Download" feature - Fix opening error "Advanced Download" - Fix "move variables down" button in the "choose variables" window of Data Log - Failure to delete user module group variables - Written "Network Redundancy" not translated into English - Fix "Copy Configuration" for library user modules - Remote control] Add scrollbars in the function windows Commands, States and Alarms - Fix rules to verify correctness of username and password fields - Deleting DHCP parameter on LAN - Importing a CSV file of variables of a user module does not check the name of the variables - Z-NET4 being compiled is not able to close Straton9.1 - Project converted from Z-TWS3 to Z-TWS5 does not find "Codesys\dialupoptions.xml" if it is opened by double clicking the .tws file - Correction of malfunction parameter "Modem Available" - Ethernet Mode" parameter enabled for Z-TWS4 CPU Unit - Possibility to change target Z-MINIRTU -> Z-TWS4-IO - Fix reading configuration from an S203TA module during module testing - Check for .net framework requirements before installation - [Z-TWS5] Z-NET4 does not create the VPN directory if it does not exist - Fix control Name Variable for Seneca modules in English language Date Recorder - prerequisites .net framework 4.52 - Ability to open the Trend Viewer with the current project - Saving the Trend Viewer settings file to use when opening the program - OPC Variable: DownloadFolder editable via OPC when communication is stopped - Added function for calculation Saturation temperature - Z-NET Console: Opening a folder with the Z-NET project - Z-NET Console: Ability to start a project or bring it to the foreground - Z-NET Console: Fix timestamp with DR_OPC - Z-NET Console: Fix misalignment Channel/channel name in DataRecorder section Trend Viewer - prerequisites .net framework 4.52 - added parameters to the command line: - parameter 1: full path .sqlite file name - parameter 2: full path configuration file name .ini - Fix Trend Viewer sorting - Implemented pen deletion with right click mouse button